Give your child the best summer experience with an exciting and unique 10 days camp for ages 3 -17.Kids will develop creativity, life skills and build confidence for a global world!Our Summer Camp is the perfect balance of learning, engagement, and fun. It is a chance for children to experiment, be creative, and build confidence in a low-stress, enjoyable learning environment.Activities of Summer Camp : Drama & Theatre3D-Printing & CADHands on RoboticsFun with CodingFitness & GamesMusic & DanceSelf-Defence ClassesCampingEntertainmentCommunication SkillsCraft Corner& much more…For more information please contact 7800006004 | 7800004601 or visit our school at Ekta Nagar, Raibareli Road, near SGPGI Hospital, Lucknow #Summercamp2023#funday#games#lucknow#Dramaandtheatre#3dprintingandCAD#handsonrobotics#funwithcoding#fitnessandgames#musicanddance#Selfdefenceclasses#camping#entertainment#communicationskills#craftcorner